Sunday, October 25, 2009

the best way to spend an afternoon


I find it overwhelming the ways in which I miss my time at Jewell. But two things stand out:

- I miss being continuously surrounded by such quality people. Each person I was blessed to meet on the Hill was able to teach me something or plant a thought seed in my life. The daily encouragement and support (for and between everyone) is something I wish I would have bottled up so I could carry it around now and share with the world.

- At Jewell I discovered how to truly appreciate individual moments and really be present in them. Some of my favorite memories are simply of lying in the sun on the Triangle or the quad, or sitting outside of Browning with a warm cup of tea. I have become very relational and it was in these places that I was able to develop my real communication skills.

(Most of all, I really miss Becky's scones).

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